AIJRELPLS Vol7 Issue 2aerfpublications2023-05-05T07:19:44+00:00
Anveshana’s International Journal of Research in Education, Literature, Psychology and Library Sciences
TAGORE’S THREE PLAYS AND HIS VISION OF LIFE – (Chandalika, Mukta – Dhara, Natri puja)
| Paper TitleTAGORE’S THREE PLAYS AND HIS VISION OF LIFE – (Chandalika, Mukta – Dhara, Natri puja)AbstractThe play ‘Chandalika’ by Rabindranath Tagore is not a play on the his vision of life, but shows a conflict in the mind of each of the three characters namely Ananda, the Buddhish monk and Prakriti, an untouchable girl and also Prakriti’s mother who was a magician and possesses magical powers. The story of this play is based on a Buddhist legend about Ananda, a famous disciple of Lord Buddha. Ananda, according to the legend, had aroused in a Chandal girl, an untouchable, a sense of her human dignity by asking her for water to quench his thirst; but the girl while pouring the water into his hands, falls in love with Ananda. Tagore had made a very skillful use of this legend to write a play having a profound psychological and spiritual significance. The whole interest of the play centre’s round this conflict which takes place in Prakriti’s mind, due to her repentance and remorse over what she has done to the holy monk by pulling him down to the dust from the heights of spiritual bliss. In Ananda, we can see the conflict of choice that takes place between his religious duty and his newly-awakened desire for a woman. We can also see a similar conflict in Prakriti’s mother when she applies her magical powers on Ananda, in her desire to please her daughter Prakriti and the demand of her conscience not to use unholy methods to please her daughter. KEYWORDS : vision, Conscience, Morality, Magic, Agonizing, Chandal, Spiritualism.
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Mrs.S.Sita Mahalakshmi & Dr.A.Pavani
Page 6-13
| Paper TitleSIGNIFICNCE OF VALUES IN HUMAN LIVESAbstractHuman lives are being influenced by values. Irrespective of any nation or race it is common phenomenon of every human being to follow some values internally or externally throughout his life for leading a better and gentle life. Here there is a question about values. Are they Human values? Ethical values? Traditional values? Cultural values? etc. and how do we (especially the present generation) learn and follow them? It is a valid point for discussion and need of the hour.
Values are nothing but principles or standards of behavior; ones judgment of what is important in life. All the aforesaid values play a vital role in human lives in various situations. They are guidelines for our success. Human values include morals, integrity, peaceful life, respecting others, honesty (Truthfulness and trustworthiness), caring, kindness, courage, sharing, time management, adjustment (co-operation), self confidence, commitment, spirituality and service, learning a teaching method which combines community service with academic instruction as it focuses on critical, reflective thinking and civic responsibility. This paper especially focuses on how human beings exhibit values in various situations, through the examples from some famous writings of eminent authors and from the life of Mahathma Gandhi.
KEYWORDS : significance, values, ethical, traditional, cultural
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लड़कियों की शादी की उम्र 21 वर्ष करने संबंधित भारत सरकार के प्रस्ताव के संदर्भ में महिलाओं की सामाजिक व आर्थिक परिस्थितियों का अध्ययन
डॉ कृष्ण कुमार
Page 14-19
| Paper Titleलड़कियों की शादी की उम्र 21 वर्ष करने संबंधित भारत सरकार के प्रस्ताव के संदर्भ में महिलाओं की सामाजिक व आर्थिक परिस्थितियों का अध्ययनAbstractभारत में प्राथमिक शिक्षा से लेकर हायर एजुकेशन में लड़कियों का प्रतिनिधित्व लड़कों से अधिक है। इसके बावजूद कामकाजी महिलाओं का प्रतिशत पुरुषों की तुलना में बेहद कम है। स्पष्ट है कि पढ़ाई के उपरांत लड़कियों की एक बड़ी आबादी कामकाजी वर्ग (लेबर वर्कफोर्स) में शामिल नहीं हो पा रहीं हैं। भारतीय समाज पुरुषवादी सामाजिक ढांचे पर चल रहा है। देश में सामाजिक परिस्थितियों महिलाओं के पक्ष में नहीं हैं। समाज में ज्यादातर लड़कियों के लिए शिक्षा हासिल करने के बाद नौकरी करने के दरवाजे बंद कर दिए जाते हैं और उन्हें जबरदस्ती शादी करने पर मजबूर किया जाता है। प्रस्तुत शोध अध्ययन में भारत सरकार द्वारा देश में लड़कियों की शादी की उम्र 18 वर्ष से बढ़ाकर 21 वर्ष करने संबंधित लोकसभा में पेश प्रस्ताव से संबंधित पक्षों का अध्ययन किया गया। द्वितीय स्त्रोतों से प्राप्त जानकारी के अध्ययन करते हुए लड़कियों की शादी की उम्र बढ़ाने की अवश्यता तय करने वाले कारकों की समीक्षा की गई। नए कानून से लड़कियों के पास अपनी उच्च शिक्षा हासिल करने व रोजगार के अवसरों में बढ़ोतरी होगी। क्योंकि 18-21 वर्ष की आयु तक लड़कियाँ हायर एजुकेशन में दाखिल होती हैं और बेहतर रोजगार के अवसर भी 12वीं और ग्रेजुएशन के बाद ही खुलते हैं। KEYWORDS :
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| Paper TitlePARADIGM SHIFT IN EDUCATION: ROLE OF TECHNOLOGY IN POST COVID-19 EDUCATION IN INDIAAbstractThe Covid-19 pandemic has thrown the world into disarray and posed a significant challenge to worldwide schooling systems. The pandemic has resulted in the widespread closure of educational institutions, national borders, and business entities in several countries, to name a few, in an attempt to reduce the number of escalating infections (Maringe, 2020). All private and public colleges and institutions in South Africa went into what is known as a \'complete lockdown\' as the country went into what is known as a \'total lockdown.\' In this study, I examine the steps made by the South African higher education department and institutions to guarantee that learning continues through alternative pedagogies. I also consider the ramifications of moving to virtual teaching and learning environments. In this work, I argue that the greatest paradigm shift in educational history occurred during Covid-19 and the \'uncertain post-Covid-19 era.\' According to Martin and Furiv (2020), despite the novel coronavirus pandemic\'s projected short-term duration, its impact on the character of higher education is likely to be long-lasting and profound. Since a result, the transition to online learning and teaching could be considered a paradigm shift, as new ways of thinking, knowing, and teaching have grown from traditional teaching practises into online curriculum delivery. KEYWORDS : COVID-19, Role of technology in education, Importance of education..
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Seharish Javed
Page 25-30
| Paper TitleSTUDY OF ORIENTALISM IN SONG OF “ICE AND FIRE” BY GEORGE R.R. MARTINAbstractCultural differences, women in positions of power, feminism, racism, and Identities, to name a few, have always been contentious concepts in the majority of modern works. Beginning with The Arabian Nights, modern fantasy has lately followed in the footsteps of The Arabian Nights in showing the Oriental \"Other.\" In several works of literary current studies, some academics and critics have postulated about the cultural disparities between the East and the West, with special emphasis to Edward Said\'s book Orientalism. Orientalism, according to Said, is a by product of colonialism\'s economic, political, and cultural supremacy over the East. This collateral damage still exists today, necessitating more research into the patterns of domination between the West and the East. As it is a kind of perpetual unconscious rule, its consequences are irreversible.
The West assumes the role of rescuer for colonial cultures, since they are regarded weak and rely on the West\'s assistance while experiencing racial and religious persecution. The unusual portrayal of the characters\' qualities, as well as the political and social systems in the series, are the grounds for my selection of this theme. This is fascinating because A Song of Ice and Fire takes place in a parallel universe where realism should be minimized.
KEYWORDS : Orientalism, The Eastern and Western world
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Pramod kumar Pati & Dr. Kiran Hooda
Page 31-38
| Paper TitleMUSIC'S INFLUENCE ON MENTAL HEALTHAbstractIntroduction: Music has a variety of effects on our brains at various levels. Varied forms of music have a different effect on our emotions. In contrast, its impact is comparable to that of profound meditation when experienced at a very deep level. The primary goal of this research was to investigate the relationship between music and mental wellness. This article investigates the effects of everyday music listening and practice on our physical and mental health.
The materials and methods included: The qualitative approach, which was based on personal experience, as well as the document review method, were employed in this study. To reach this result, relevant and related material was looked for using a variety of different search engines.
Results: A variety of systematic experiments have shown that music practice helps to nurture a person\'s life and well-being. Music as yoga is a mix of breathing techniques and physical activities that are performed to music.
Conclusions: Music has a useful, strong, and significant function in promoting happiness, controlling mental stress, and relieving mental stressors and tensions.
KEYWORDS : Body and mind, music, self-consciousness, yoga
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Dr. Khamar Jahan Sk
Page 39-47
| Paper TitleTHE JOURNEY OF MARGINALIZATION AND SUPPRESSION IN SIVAKAMI’S THE GRIP OF CHANGEAbstract The fourth world includes a whole range of the tribal and peasant societies that share a number of attributes, including a low level of political and economic integration in the state system, an inferior political status, and an underprivileged economic position. Fourth world literature has gained a new momentum creating its own space among the canon of world literatures and as a mode of discursive articulation endeavours to give voice to the marginalized. Dalit literature is an outburst of the subdued and suppressed voices of the exploited people from many centuries. Many writers have expressed their protest against the established order of society through their writings. One can hear their voices of protest in their literatures focusing on the social, religious, caste, race and colour oppression. Sivakami attempts to explore the plight of a Dalit at three contexts- gender, caste and class. A Dalit woman is thrice victimized simultaneously by hegemonic elite class, male chauvinism and the rich. She has to face not only the caste discrimination but the gender inequalities and economic disparities too. She beautifully articulates the silenced and subjugated Dalit in an oppressive society along with its consequential voices of protests. Her writings brought out many subtle forms of discrimination meted against Dalit and women. Most of her novels are narratives of resistance of the marginalised women who wage a struggle to seek their identity and their rightful place in a hostile society. Sivakami uses the medium of writing to voice out her views about caste oppression and tries to explore the probable solutions based on her individual experience.
KEYWORDS : Dalit women writers, suppressed voices, male chauvinism, caste politics, gender bias
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दलित विचार और आधुनिक हिंदी साहित्य
Page 48-59
| Paper Titleदलित विचार और आधुनिक हिंदी साहित्यAbstractप्रेमचंद इस मायने में अद्वितीय हैं कि वे निम्न वर्गों के आर्थिक शोषण से कभी नहीं चूकते। इसी शोषण के कारण जाति, धर्म, अधर्म, ऊंच-नीच सभी को तामझाम के रूप में तैयार किया गया है। प्रेमचंद ने एक क्रांतिकारी उपलब्धि तब हासिल की जब उन्होंने एक अछूत जाति के सदस्य को नायक का दर्जा दिया। उन्होंने सूरदास में गांधी के व्यक्तित्व को अपनाकर और भी बड़ी उपलब्धि हासिल की और धर्म-न्याय-सत्य की लड़ाई में उनकी भागीदारी के परिणामस्वरूप, उन्हें बहादुर, निस्वार्थ महापुरुषों की भारतीय परंपरा से जोड़ा। वह भिखारी और अंधा है, फिर भी उसके पास तेज बुद्धि है।
कहानी में उच्च जाति के सभी व्यक्ति- राजा, महाराजा, शासक, उद्योगपति, आदि-आदर के साथ उन्हें नमन करते हैं और उनके प्रभुत्व को स्वीकार करते हैं। पुस्तक के अंत में, वह एक बलिदान करता है जो गांधी के बराबर है। नतीजतन, \"रंगभूमि\" गांधी को समाज के शिखर पर पहुंचाती है और किसी अन्य जाति को अपमानित किए बिना दलित नायक को गांधी का प्रतीक बनाती है। जाति व्यवस्था, छुआछूत, शोषण, अन्याय और दमन के खिलाफ भारतीय समाज में जो लड़ाई अभी भी मौजूद है, वह बहुत लंबे समय से चल रही है। अन्याय और आधिपत्य के खिलाफ धार्मिक, सामाजिक, सांस्कृतिक और राजनीतिक संघर्ष प्राचीन काल से जारी है। तीव्रता और ठहराव के दौर से गुजरते हुए, समय और उसके परिवेश की माँगों के परिणामस्वरूप यह आंदोलन रूप बदलता रहा है। दलित वर्ण व्यवस्था केवल एक शक्तिशाली आंदोलन और गंभीर विचार है जो सामाजिक परिवर्तन की प्रक्रिया का नेतृत्व कर रही है और सभी पहलुओं के माध्यम से यात्रा कर रही है।
KEYWORDS : दलित चर्चा, अछूत जाति, हिंदी साहित्य
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భారతదేశంలోని రైతుల స్థితిగతులపై అధ్యయనం
మైలారిశెట్టి చైతన్య
Page 60-63
| Paper Titleభారతదేశంలోని రైతుల స్థితిగతులపై అధ్యయనంAbstractసాగులోనే చెమటలు కక్కుతున్న 70 కోట్ల మందితో కూడిన రైతాంగ రాష్ట్రం భారతదేశం, ఇది అధిక రైతాంగం పతనానికి సంకేతం. 40 కోట్ల ఎకరాల విస్తారమైన సాగు విస్తీర్ణం. సుఫల ధరిత్రి వ్యవసాయపరంగా ఆధిపత్య ఆర్థిక వ్యవస్థ, GDPలో 16.5 శాతం వాటాతో ప్రతి సంవత్సరం 28.5 కోట్ల టన్నుల వ్యవసాయ ఉత్పత్తులను ఉత్పత్తి చేస్తుంది. ఈ గణాంకాలు చూస్తుంటే వ్యవసాయ రంగంలో భారత్ అద్భుతాలు చేస్తోందనిపిస్తోంది. కానీ ఈ సంఖ్యలు మన గొప్పతనానికి బెంచ్మార్క్ కాదు. ఈ సంఖ్యలు వెనుకబాటుతనాన్ని అపహాస్యం చేస్తున్నాయి. ఎక్కువ మంది రైతులు, ఎక్కువ సాగు భూమి, జిడిపిలో వ్యవసాయంలో అధిక వాటా మొదలైనవి నిజానికి తిరోగమనానికి సంకేతాలు. వ్యవసాయంలోనే కాదు, నిజానికి ఈ దేశం నడవాల్సిన దారిలో నడవలేకపోతోంది KEYWORDS :
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Page 64-72
| Paper TitleROLE OF COLLEGE LIBRARIES IN EDUCATION SYSTEM IN INDIAAbstractCollege libraries play a crucial role in the higher education system in India by serving as vital hubs of learning, research, and academic support. In the dynamic landscape of higher education, these libraries fulfill essential
functions that contribute significantly to the overall educational experience and academic excellence. Key roles of college libraries include Information Access and Management, Supporting Teaching and Learning, Research Support, Information Literacy, Digital Initiatives,Cultural and Community Engagement and Collaboration and Networking college libraries in India are integral to the higher education ecosystem, playing multifaceted roles in supporting education, research, and community engagement. Their adaptation to digital advancements and proactive approach in meeting the evolving needs of takeholders underscore their significance in the modern educational landscape. KEYWORDS :
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