Paper Title
In the network research area, establishing of network in a real time scenario is very difficult. A single test bed takes a large amount of time and cost. So implementation of a whole network in real world is not easily possible and very costly to. The simulator helps the network developer to check whether the network is able to work in the real time. Thus both the time and cost of testing the functionality of network have been reduced and implementations are made easy. In this paper, we introduce the main features of different simulator and consider their advantages and disadvantages. We hope this survey prove to be a good reference source for those people who feel difficult to select the appropriate network simulators for their research. In the comprehensive computer network’s research area, it is very expensive to design a whole network, without the simulation process because, if we design with actual equipment’s, then it may be very expensive and take more time. So by the help of network simulation tools, we can create cost effective and time saving scenario. Different types of wire and wireless networks, can be deployed by the help of, simulation tools. Computer network simulators are also useful, in allowing the network designers, to test new networking protocols or, to change the existing protocols, or create its own protocols in a controlled and reproducible approach. In this paper, we have presented the comprehensive survey, on current network simulators like Net Sim, OPNET, NS-2, NS-3, OMNeT++, REAL, J-Sim and QualNet. This paper is a comprehensive reference source, for those who feel the difficulty, to select the appropriate network simulators, for their research requirements, based on advantage and disadvantage of various network simulators. We will be introducing an overview of ns2, its installation in Kubuntu 14.04 and its scripting
KEYWORDS : Network Simulator, NS2 , NS3 , OPNET, NetSim, OMNeT++, REAL, J-Sim and QualNet. Computer Network, Simulator, Ns-2, TCL & OTCL, Kubuntu 14.04.